System.Web.UI.HtmlControls밑에 존재하는 클래스들이 있다.
내가 유용하게 이용하는 코딩으로 HTML콘트롤을 추가할때 사용되어지는..
table tr td a input등... 이라고 얼마전까지 알고 있었다.
오늘 발견한 HtmlGenericControl이라는 녀석
이걸 이용하면 클래스 형태로 제공되지 않는 나머지 HTML태그도 콘트롤 형태로 만들수 있다.
어디에 쓰냐고??
이하 HtmlControls의 설명
Class | Description | |
HtmlAnchor | Allows programmatic access to the HTML <a> element on the server. | |
HtmlButton | Allows programmatic access to the HTML <button> tag on the server. | |
HtmlContainerControl | Serves as the abstract base class for HTML server controls that map to HTML elements that are required to have an opening and a closing tag. | |
HtmlControl | Defines the methods, properties, and events common to all HTML server controls in the ASP.NET page framework. | |
HtmlEmptyTagControlBuilder | Interacts with the page parser to build HTML server controls that do not have a body or closing tag. This class cannot be inherited. | |
HtmlForm | Provides programmatic access to the HTML <form> element on the server. | |
HtmlGenericControl | Defines the methods, properties, and events for all HTML server control elements not represented by a specific .NET Framework class. | |
HtmlHead | Provides programmatic access to the HTML <head> element on the server. | |
HtmlHeadBuilder | Interacts with the parser to build an HtmlHead control. | |
HtmlImage | Provides programmatic access for the HTML <img> element on the server. | |
HtmlInputButton | Allows programmatic access to the HTML <input type= button>, <input type= submit>, and <input type= reset> elements on the server. | |
HtmlInputCheckBox | Allows programmatic access to the HTML <input type= checkbox> element on the server. | |
HtmlInputControl | Serves as the abstract base class that defines the methods, properties, and events common to all HTML input controls, such as the <input type=text>, <input type=submit>, and <input type= file> elements. | |
HtmlInputFile | Allows programmatic access to the HTML <input type= file> element on the server. | |
HtmlInputHidden | Allows programmatic access to the HTML <input type=hidden> element on the server. | |
HtmlInputImage | Allows programmatic access to the HTML <input type= image> element on the server. | |
HtmlInputPassword | Allows programmatic access to the HTML <input type= password> element on the server. | |
HtmlInputRadioButton | Allows programmatic access to the HTML <input type= radio> element on the server. | |
HtmlInputReset | Allows programmatic access to the HTML <input type=reset> element on the server. | |
HtmlInputSubmit | Allows programmatic access to the HTML <input type= submit> element on the server. | |
HtmlInputText | Allows programmatic access to the HTML <input type= text> and <input type= password> elements on the server. | |
HtmlLink | Allows programmatic access to the HTML <link> element on the server. | |
HtmlMeta | Allows programmatic access to the HTML <meta> tag on the server. | |
HtmlSelect | Allows programmatic access to the HTML <select> element on the server. | |
HtmlSelectBuilder | Interacts with the parser to build an HtmlSelect control. | |
HtmlTable | Allows programmatic access on the server to the HTML <table> element. | |
HtmlTable.HtmlTableRowControlCollection | Represents a collection of HtmlTableRow objects that are the rows of an HtmlTable control. | |
HtmlTableCell | Represents the <td> and <th> HTML elements in an HtmlTableRow object. | |
HtmlTableCellCollection | A collection of HtmlTableCell objects that represent the cells in a single row of an HtmlTable control. This class cannot be inherited. | |
HtmlTableRow | Represents the <tr> HTML element in an HtmlTable control. | |
HtmlTableRow.HtmlTableCellControlCollection | Represents a collection of HtmlTableCell objects that are the cells of an HtmlTableRow control. | |
HtmlTableRowCollection | A collection of HtmlTableRow objects that represent the rows of an HtmlTable control. This class cannot be inherited. | |
HtmlTextArea | Allows programmatic access to the <textarea> HTML element on the server. | |
HtmlTitle | Allows programmatic access to the HTML <title> element on the server. |